Limited time offer: Use the code SPRINGSALE on orders CAD 58+ to save CAD 10 (Not applicable for giftcard purchase)


Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship internationally from our website. After entering your postal code and country, the shipping costs will be based on the weight and the size of the box. International shipping may be subject to taxes, customs duties, and other fees upon arrival at the destination. The recipient will be responsible for those extra fees. 


Can I return/exchange a gift without letting the sender know?

Yes, you have to call our office at 1-604-363-3028 so our staff can look up the order (unless the purchaser sent you the receipt with the order number) and let you know how to proceed. (If the package was directly shipped to you, you can find the order number on the shipping receipt.)


Can I cancel/modify my order?

You can if you are fast and do it before it ships! We usually ship orders within 24 hours or much, but sometimes it is sooner. You will need to call our office at1-604-363-3028, so our staff can check the status of your order and advise you whether it can be canceled/modified. 


Technical Information and Support
Power-generating Items
Motor Not Working

Sometimes, the lubricating oil in the motor may solidify. Please remove the housing cover of the motor and rotate the worm gears a few turns by hand.
For other issues, you can call our office at1-604-363-3028, so our staff can help.